Monday, November 16, 2009

Help! I need to decide which area in my backyard to plant the little tomato plants...theyre a about 1-2 inches




Help! I need to decide which area in my backyard to plant the little tomato plants...theyre a about 1-2 inches
If they are inside plants, do not transplant until all danger of frost and cold spells are over. Tomatoes like the ground to be 60 degrees at night and by day they dont like temperatures over 90. When temps soar to the 90's, they wil not set fruit. Pick you sunniest location and wait for your great tomatoes. By the way leave about 2 foot between plants and mulch heavily. Dirt kicked up from watering and settling on the undersides of the leaves promotes blight.
Reply:to find the right spot in your back yard to plant you tomoatoes walk around your yard and find a place that is a bit protected from wind but still gets good sunlight. Before planting your seedlings you need to prepare your soil well. Manure and blood and bone are both good for your tomatoes and I would suggest digging some of each through the bed. Water the bed a few times over a few days before planting your seedlings then plant them and water them in. Also after digging your manures through you need to place the tomatoe stakes in the soil near where each seedling will be planted.

Depending on the kind of tomato you may need as much as 12 inches between the plants.
Reply:Surely you jest. There are no such things, unless a friend gave them to you as seedlings.

In any event, place them in full sun ( a southern exposure), and plant them in a acid heavy soil. Add some sphagnum moss to aid in water retention to the soil. Plant them about three foot apart from each other.

Be prepared to water, fertilize, inspect daily, the yield of your garden. You will have to stake the plants within a month and place a growing cage around each. You will have to monitor the water they receive and insects. The prime tomatoe you hold cost you $2.50. The store cost you $0.50.

Sorry but true.
Reply:If your in florida OK but not if your anywhere else. Plant in FULL sun with good soil and a big cage.
Reply:Of the two pictures that you attached, the one with the bush that is in full sun looks like the better spot. The area under the tree will not receive enough sunlight. The ideal location would be in sun for 8 hours a day.

However, if your plants are only 1-2 inches tall, I would first plant them in a slightly larger pot than they are in now. Then, when they are more like a foot tall, I would plant them in the ground, covering half of the stem underground (additional roots will grow out of the stem and will make the plant stronger).

Good Luck!
Reply:I'm going to answer based on what you gave us instead of preaching to you about what tomatoes need. Of the two pictures, I would go with the second, in front of the bush. Since you only have two plants that space should be just fine! Plant them as far apart as you can in the space. You may want to put a tomato cage around them. Good Luck and Happy Eating!!
Reply:The best place to plant a tomato would be against a fence. Or you could use a circular wire net to go around the plant that way it has something to grow on. put it in full-semi sunlight. Hope that answered your question.


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