Saturday, November 14, 2009

How can I save a damaged aloe plant??

Aloe plant was accidentally knocked over and the leaves separated totally from the roots. What can I do to keep this plant alive? The plant is a few years old and is over 24 inches in diameter - I'd hate to lose it. Thanks!

How can I save a damaged aloe plant??
Here's something I found. Hope it helps out!

If it has no roots, let it callus over, place the cut/broken end ON the soil, and support it with top dressing. DO NOT WATER IT-it has no roots, so watering the soil will likely cause rot. Instead, mist it every few days. Roots should start forming within a month. When growth is evident, it can be watered.
Reply:U can only replant the roots, keeping the rootball at soil level. u can save the rest of the plant to use like salve its healing benefits are wonderful yet it dries out so keep air tight. And it has a bad taste so if you apply it to a wound wear plastic gloves. When the plant does start growing back stake up as the leaves get heavier and repot before it gets to large for the pot and suffocates itself
Reply:Drain the ground, an excess of waer spoil the aloe

it need sun ligth and a warm enviroment
Reply:leave it alone it will grow new leaves. just remember to water it and expose to sunlight.
Reply:keep it and let the leave regorw and give it plenty or water and sunlight

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