Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you don't know what kind of indoor plant you have, is it better to under water or over water it?

I know it's probably bad either way, but I don't know anything about taking care of plants.

Maybe someone knows what it is: It doesn't look like an ivy. It has about quarter inch thick hanging stems. The leaves look like bamboo leaves with faint white stripes.

If you don't know what kind of indoor plant you have, is it better to under water or over water it?

Its easier to add water if you notice it STARTING to show signs of need for water, than it would be to remedy overwatering it, it would take longer to dry out excess than to add water. Nature has its variations too, so the plant can forgive a minor dry spell, but excess water for too long can start root rot, and lack of "air" to the roots. By the time it starts showing signs of overwatering, it may be too late to halt the decay process and can't stop the mould eating the dead or dying roots... afterall, you supplying any moisture afterwards will feed the mould as well as, or instead of the roots.
Reply:airplane plant...dont over water, let try out completley before you water again
Reply:Usually it is better to under water than to over water. A plant will usually get a little "droopy" or limp looking to tell you it needs water. Often, you cannot tell a plant has had too much water until after the roots have been damaged.

I'm wondering if you are describing a spider plant?
Reply:the thicker the leaf on the plant the longer it can go between watering. The belief being the leaf will hold moisture.
Reply:trust me i wont be any help at all..but i was in the same situation and i didn't know i went inbetween...not too much not too lived a long life...i have to admitt i was proud of was like a baby weird as that may sound...i made sure it lived...also..i would put it indoors and it got to enjoy both's funny after thinking back on this i think i worked way to hard to preserve that stupid plant!..i guess that's why i never got another one...i say go to a nursery and ask me it's worth it!
Reply:The culture of plants varies, considering elevation, soil requirements and climatic conditions. Assuming that you have a good soil medium, watering it once in a while (twice a week) and putting it out every l5 days to receive sunshine would be suitable for indoor plants.
Reply:none i think you should find out what kind of plant it is and then see how much water it needs because it will die if you do what you are not supposed to.
Reply:Overwatering is the number one reason houseplants die, so better to err on the side of underwatering. The key is,,, water your plant thoroughly, so that water comes out the bottom, then let it dry out so that the top inch or so is dry before watering again. Don't water on a schedule... just check the plant every few days and water thorughly when it really needs it.


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