Friday, November 13, 2009

How do I start a new aloe plant from clippings or cuttings from an existing one?

The plant I have has 10 "leaves" that are about 12 inches long each. The "leaves" are very thick and bulky.

How do I start a new aloe plant from clippings or cuttings from an existing one?
You can't cultivate from the leaves, you have to wait for off shoots from the parent plant.

I got this from


Propagate from small, rooted offshoots at the base of the parent plant. It may be grown from seed. It prefers a rough, gritty growing medium and a well-drained, sunny location. It will also grow in partial shade. Aloe needs temperatures above 40 degrees, and is grown indoors in cooler climates. When grown indoors the offshoots can be removed and repotted when they are a few inches tall. Do not overwater.
Reply:I bought my plant 5 years ago planted it in a large pot with miracle grow potting soil and it produced other plants. I have given away several plants out of it. The larger the pot you put it in the more it will grow and produce other plants. My aloe vera plant is huge.
Reply:Go to this link for detailed, step-by-step instructions for starting aloe from cuttings.

Good luck.
Reply:Aloe can be propagated by a cutting that is called a "terminal cutting" where you use the tip of the stem. Please see site below:

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