Friday, November 13, 2009

How long can a indoor plant survive without H2o?

I am going away for about 3wks and don't have anyone to come by and water my plants. I have a couple of tropical plants but most of them are domestic type no cactus. Should I put all my plants in the bathtub with about a 1/4 inch water...will that help or kill them.

How long can a indoor plant survive without H2o?
It depends on the plant,its environment, and how often you water them to begin with. I use to work for an interior scape company, and 3 weeks may cause some stress, but most of them should survive.

I take mine, and submerge them in the tub. This can get a little messy. Then let the excess water drain out, and put them back, unless they are in front of a window. Then I will put them to the side of the window. Try to allow some natural light in,example: If you have blinds, point the inside down to allow light in, while not giving someone the ability to look directly into your home.

Or if you have the time, and the money you could buy a watering system.
Reply:It depends on what type of plant it is. Dig your finger down into the soil a couple of inches. If it feels very dry, unless it's a cactus, you should probably water. If you know what kind of plant it is, you could always look up watering instructions online.
Reply:i would just make sure they are well watered before you leave on your trip, we have done this many times for up to 3 weeks and havent lost one yet. they may look a little sad when you get home but with some water and love from you they will perk back up in a day or so.
Reply:Give them a good drink before you go, but don't make them soggy.

Put them in the bathtub like you mention, and put them on top of something so they aren't sitting directly in the water.

Take a (wet) shoelace and place one end in the soil of your plant and the other into the bath water. It keeps them somewhat moist until your return. If they aren't getting too much light, they wont' need as much water.

This really works.

Good luck.
Reply:Your idea isn't a bad one but, if you'll be gone for 3 weeks they will need more then 1/4 inch of H2O. Most plants won't be hurt if their roots are in water for a relative short time. I'd say you should have at least 3 in. of water in the tub. I'd also make sure the stopper doesn't leak.

Have a great trip.

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