Friday, November 13, 2009

Relatively new aloe vera plant keeps tipping over?

I was given a new aloe plant (about 8 inches tall) about 6 months ago and it still can't stand up straight on its own. New stems are growing and it otherwise looks healthy, it just always needs to be kept upright with three popsicle sticks. Any advice?

Relatively new aloe vera plant keeps tipping over?
plant it in the next biggest sized pot. Use a plastic pot. then put the plastic pot inside a larger heavier clay or ceramic pot. put some stones or marbles in the bottom of the clay pot so that the smaller pot is brought up even with the rim of the larger pot. I have an aloe vera that is about 18 inches tall and this is the only way ive been able to keep it upright. (I even glued the pot to the mantle where it sits when my cat was young cuz she loved to jump up and knock the pot around and nibble the leaves). these plants are really top-heavy and need a firm anchoring in a heavy pot.
Reply:Is it leaning toward light? I have an aloe in my laundry room, and I turn it once a week as it heads toward the window.. I've also got a fairly big aloe in a huge pot. The larger pieces lay down while the new stems stand straight. It's healthy, and kind of neat looking.
Reply:LArger pot

quit feeding it Mirical Gro try a seaweed 3-2-2
Reply:It keeps tiping over because it is going towards the sun just turn it around on the side that the plant is not turning towards the sun and in about 1 week it should be just straight.

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