Friday, November 13, 2009

Why is my Jade plant bending over?

The plant seems to be pretty healthy overall. It's not extremely large, so I wouldn't think it is so heavy that it can't stay up. The stem is less than 1/2 inch at its thickest. It has been continuing to grow new leaves, but has only grown one new branch. It bends over toward the sun. The lower part of the trunk is brown and rough looking. Is that normal? Will the plant turn itself upright? Should I turn the pot so it faces a different direction?

Why is my Jade plant bending over?
Your plant is too far from the sun, so it is "turning" toward the nearest light source. I would definitely turn the pot so that the plant grows more upright. This is a good policy with any plant that is growing in one direction more than another because of a light source. The other alternative would be to move it closer to the window, or to give it an artificial light source such as a grow light.

Good luck!
Reply:Yes the brown part of the trunk is completely normal because it is maturing and getting older, it bends over towards the sun because plants do that when they are in full sun or light, so you can turn the pot half way around and leave it in the window and it will go back up straight, yes the plant will turn itself upright if you turn it half way round, yes you should change the pot so it faces a different direction, turn the pot around, when you are doing this you can turn it and the bent over stem will not be facing the window and after a day of sun it will be turned back to normal.
Reply:If it is bending toward the sun, keep turning it.

The brown and rough looking is normal for a maturing jade. They are woody plants and grow quite large and woody in their native environment.

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